“When I started playing piano it was a big disappointment to find out that I couldn't reproduce the sound that I was hearing in the records of Glenn Gould playing the Goldberg Variations. Neither the sound of Horowitz playing Rachmaninoff or Scriabin.Or, being a jazz player, the sound of Herbie Hancock or McCoyTyner in the Blue Note records of the sixties. The first time I played on a Steinway, I realized why I couldn't get that quality from the other pianos.This was the sound that I love and I was looking for. This was the piano that has this unique singable soul.
An instrument has to be able to transmit your feelings about the music to the listener. You have to connect with the sound. And I can't think of a better piano to do that.
A Steinway doesn't need much pedal, cause it has a very rich sound in the bass and the middle register. And it has a very sustained and singable tone in the treble register. The highest octave of most pianos doesn't sound good at all. With a Steinway you can make music there too.
I'm not just refering to the powerful "D" Grand concert piano. Playing even a baby grand or an upright will be a very pleasing experience for any pianist of any level.”
April 2, 2007

Albert Bover






